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Rules, Regulations, & Policies

Sunset Lawn Chapel of the Chimes Cemetery Hours: May 1st – October 31st from 7:30 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. and November 1st – April 30th from 7:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m.

Sunset Lawn Chapel of the Chimes reserves the right to regulate the method of decoration on any lots, graves, crypts, and niches in the cemetery to maintain the uniform appearance and beauty of the cemetery. The following rules and regulations are subject to change without notice and were enacted in consideration for our many families and visitors. We enlist your cooperation for our cemetery to continue to be a setting of peace and beauty.

Grave decorations and floral arrangements may be removed at the discretion of the Cemetery if they deem the items insensitive or offensive or if they are a safety or health concern.

Sunset Lawn Chapel of the Chimes shall not be held responsible for missing decorations or floral arrangements

Balloons > Balloon releases are illegal in the State of California per statute 653.1 and are prohibited on Sunset Lawn property. > Balloon decorations are a nuisance and in some instances a hazard. Some balloons can cause permanent color damage if left laying on a marker after they deflate. Deflated balloons can be a hazard to mowers and other equipment, causing a potential danger to grounds staff and visitors.

Glass Containers > Glass Containers are a hazard to staff, family, and visitors and are not permitted at any time. Groundskeepers will remove and dispose of any glass found on markers.

Decorations > Decorations are allowed on the grave marker or the top of the grave location only. For Niches and Crypts on the plate and outer shutter only. Groundskeepers will not mow or trim any location where items are placed directly on the grass. If the grass reaches five inches or more in height, becomes unsightly or complaints are received then those items will be removed and disposed of. > No decorations are allowed to be more than three feet high. > No decorations are to be placed beyond the top of the marker or you will be infringing on the space of another grave site. Grave decorations are allowed only in the 36” wide and 7’ long space of your loved one. > No tape or any adhesive material may be used on mausoleum, crypt, niches, or buildings. The adhesives ruin the crypt faces and stickers, cards, drawings, etc. will bleed and discolor the granite or travertine. Anything adhesive on the sites will be removed and disposed of. > Absolutely no decorations of any kind are allowed in the trees located in the cemetery.

Behavior and Conduct > No BBQs, hibachis or cooking is allowed in the cemetery. Nothing flammable is allowed in the cemetery. You will be instructed to distinguish any open flames and/or discontinue any cooking and may be asked to leave the cemetery. > Music should no be heard outside a vehicle and should be played at a low volume to not disturb cemetery visitors, neighbors, and employees. > Alcoholic beverages and drugs of any kind are prohibited ~ Property Security and Law Enforcement have the authority to come on the property at any time and are authorized to arrest and/or ticket anyone who violates this policy. Law Enforcement often visits the cemetery and have been known to detain guests who are in violation.

Speed Limit is 10 mph

** Four times a year the cemetery is purged completely of all flowers and decorations. Sunset Lawn will place reminders inside the cemetery reflecting the day of the purge. These are placed three months ahead of time. The full purge is done the 2nd Wednesday of January, April, July, and October. Decorating can take place again on that Saturday**

We recognize the importance of those who need to personalize the space of their loved one(s) and spend time with them, however, please remember that this is a cemetery. Please show respect and courtesy to others who are visiting by following the above rules and regulations.

Thank you for your cooperation, Sunset Lawn Chapel of the Chimes Staff